Answering the need to provide Covid information in a way that is culturally responsive, ULV, Contra Costa Health Services and the Nystrom School Community joined the campaign to educate and motivate West Contra Costa Latino parents and guardians to vaccinate their children 5-11 against COVID.  Our goal is to increase the number of vaccinated Latino children between the ages of 5-11 attending schools in Richmond and San Pablo and their parents.


Fall 2021: Several volunteers canvas the Richmond community to inform them about the Health Vaccine Fair. A project coordinator, Maria Alegría, is assigned to oversee the project and manage the budget under the umbrella of Richmond Community Foundation.

Spring 2022: The Porque te Quiero te Cuido team organizes a culturally responsive advertising campaign, collaborates with partners including County Health Ambassadors to help canvass the  community to determine needs;  receives donations of materials from Contra Costa County Health and Aetna for giveaways; coordinate and develop themes for Pláticas; create informational mini-videos, etc.


Informed ### West County residents through two Vaccination Fairs. Established a “Porque te Quiero te Cuido” identity for continued education and health support. Identified ###  residents countywide through the Plática campaign.

Why a Superhero?

Since the campaign’s mission was to educate families & parents to get their children vaccinated, we wanted to create a ‘superhero’ that was non-gender specific, so we came up with a friendly animal-like character to appeal to the children dressed as a Super Hero, making a statement that you too can be a SuperHero if you get vaccinated!

When we started the campaign we used the phrase:  Porque Te Amo Te Cuido – this was imagining that parents want to take care of their children because they love them – and if they love them they would make sure to get their child vaccinated.  The heart stands for the love of the parents for their children and it also stands for ULV’s love for our community.

  • This is an excellent community campaign that is educating Latino families to have their children vaccinated against Covid.  We must continue to fight the battle of misinformation about the Covid vaccine.

    Lorena Madrid

    Community Member

  • Our goal is to increase the number of vaccinated Latino children between the ages of 5-11 attending schools in Richmond and San Pablo and their parents. These communities have witnessed the lowest vaccination rates in West Contra Costa County.

    Genoveva Calloway

    United Latino Voices of Contra Costa County, West County Spokesperson
